The Digital Publisher’s Checklist - Zuora

The Digital Publisher’s Checklist

10 things publishers need to do in the new year to hit revenue goals

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In today’s competitive market, why do some publishers thrive while others struggle endlessly to stay afloat?

What makes the difference between breakthrough revenue and subscriber growth, versus barely maintaining figures and battling churn?

With many publishers looking to make big advancements this year,  it’s imperative to find out exactly what can give you the leading edge in a populated industry.

After working with several different leading publishers in the industry across the globe, and interviewing individual experts, media analysts, and CTOs, we cultivated top industry findings into one comprehensive checklist.

If you’re in the publishing industry, this checklist could be your chance to exceed revenue goals and ensure you’re set for the new year ahead!

Download this checklist to:

  • Discover how industry leaders are staying ahead of the curve… And how you can too!
  • Build a rock-solid strategy to hit revenue goals.
  • Keep users engaged, reduce churn, and grow your subscribers to record numbers.
  • Learn how an industry-leading media company boosted their traffic by producing LESS content.
  • Discover the paywall ‘stop threshold’ that leads to thriving businesses.

Download Now

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