
Deeper Actionable Insights Using Zuora Warehouse

Unlock a treasure trove of data you already have when you leverage Zuora Warehouse with BYOW (Bring Your Own Warehouse) technology to blend data from multiple sources and use it through your Zuora Services.

Imagine bringing together all the information needed across your IT ecosystem to have a 360 degree view of your customer AND being able to spot macro trends to drive your decisions. Simply collecting data won’t turn it into actionable insight, Zuora helps you operationalize it and get the metrics and insights you need in the places it matters most.

You’ll see how to:

  • Use Zuora Warehouse or bring your own to Zuora’s embedded tools for analytics and workflow operations.
  • Choose the refresh rate option that suits your use cases, from once a day to near-real time.
  • Use native reporting and simple-to-use UI report building to give business users access to the reports they need daily.
  • Launch hyper-performance queries on a massive scale let your business get fast insight into the metrics that move your business.

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