
Cloud Billing Software

Zuora's cloud billing software enables your business to grow recurring revenues and scale by quickly bringing new services to market.

Earlier most of the cloud storage companies operating with a subscription or recurring revenue model needed to install hardware, software and infrastructure if there was a need to enhance billing software capabilities. Today’s business environment looks for opportunities to succeed with a cost effective and scalable an operational structure.

It is critical to have the flexibility to bill for changing market conditions and competition, dynamically and in real-time with suspend-and-renew billing intervals and prorated charges at any time, for instance.

Zuora’s cloud billing platform offers a robust billing capability, taking away the need for IT assistance and struggle with integrating point tools. With our cloud billing software:

  • Cloud providers can automate metering, pricing and billing for products, bundles, and configurations
  • Cloud providers can bill users for every gigabyte transferred, IP address, terabyte stored, CPU instance, etc.

Our cloud billing software has enabled businesses all over to launch and monetize subscription products and services.

To learn more and best equip your business, watch a short overview of Zuora today!

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