7 Best Ways to 
 Leverage First-Party Data Capture Strategies for a Competitive Advantage - Zuora

7 Best Ways to 
 Leverage First-Party Data Capture Strategies for a Competitive Advantage

Collecting valuable first-party data can be tricky for digital publishers as it’s still a fairly new concept…

It involves creating the right registration form at the right time, with the means to store the data in an accessible place that’s secure, GDPR and CCPA compliant.

And that’s just the beginning!

The real challenge comes in being able to effectively tie all your data together into something useful.

As a result of these hurdles,  53% of digital publishers today are still trying to develop better audience insights from their first-party data.

That’s why we created a guide to uncover the best steps to capture first-party data for a competitive advantage.

Download this eGuide to:

  • Learn how to optimise your website for better data capture.
  • Discover ways to make it a no brainer for customers to share data.
  • Understand how to analyse vast amounts of data to uncover actionable insights for a bigger impact on your business.
  • Learn how to use first-party data to nurture stronger and long-lasting relationships with your readers.
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