Guide Archives - Page 13 of 16 - Zuora

ARR Meaning: What is ARR & How to Calculate It | Zuora

SUBSCRIPTION FINANCE Annual Recurring Revenue: What is ARR & How to Calculate It What is Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) ? Annual Recurring Revenue, or ARR, is a metric that shows the money that comes in every year for the life of a subscription (or contract). More specifically, ARR is the value of the recurring revenue […]

An Introduction to Subscription Finance | Zuora

SUBSCRIPTION FINANCE The Fundamentals of Subscription Finance What is Subscription Finance? Subscriptions are replacing the traditional product sales models, and are fundamentally changing the face of businesses, industries, and the job of the CFO in the process. CFOs long-accustomed to product-centric, single-purchase transaction businesses need to get smart on the shift to businesses built around […]

8 Revenue Recognition Automation Implementation Best Practices

Finance and IT leaders from SurveyMonkey, CloudFlare, AppDynamics, and Zuora provide best practices for the implementation of revenue recognition automation systems, a move that’s being driven by new ASC 606 accounting standards around contract revenue.

Subscription Metrics: From ARR to TCV

This subscription metrics glossary provides an overview of some of the most important subscription metrics that every recurring revenue business needs to understand and monitor, including ARR, churn, LTV, TCV, and many more!