Zuora’s Chennai Marathon team runs on team spirit and service - Zuora

Zuora’s Chennai Marathon team runs on team spirit and service

Zuora’s Chennai Marathon team runs on team spirit and service

This month, Zuora had the pleasure of sponsoring 41 ZEOs in the Chennai Marathon—congratulations to our runners! Below, a few runners share words about their experiences and how their Zuora team was filled with purpose, togetherness, and service to others.

This year, the Chennai Marathon raised proceeds for children living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to provide insulin and other supplies. Because TD1 does not have a cure, it can only be managed through several daily insulin shots, blood sugar monitoring, and diet and lifestyle management, which can be a challenging, ongoing expense for many families to manage.

Our ZEOs pushed themselves and each other to the finish line across various distances including: 10km (10k), 21.097km (Half Marathon), 32.186km (20 Miler), 42.195km (Full Marathon). Leading up to the event, the team leaned in as a community of both experienced and novice runners to create a space where they fostered the knowledge, training, and teamwork needed to take on such a big task. 

In the days before the race, Shiva Jayaraman, Zuora’s Vice President of Software Engineering, shared an African proverb with the trainees as he offered to run alongside any ZEO who needed support. The proverb says, “If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run far, run together.”

“For me the real fun part is running with others, so if you need someone to walk/run/wait by your side, I am happy to be part of a small train that goes together until the finish line.” And, as for that team spirit we mentioned, Shiva added, “Let’s run far. Together. In our forest green, Zuora T-shirts.” – Shiva Jayaraman, VP of Software Engineering

Special shout out to our ZEO organizers for making this event possible: Valerie Jackson, Natina Gurley, Shanthi Sridhar, Azhar Hussain T S, Shivakumar Jayaraman, Sundar Sankaran, Prakash Kasiviswanathan, Avinash Jain, and Sandhya Raghavan.

We congratulate all of our runners and thank them for supporting families of children with Type 1 Diabetes! We were blown away by their commitment to participate and the support for their community never wavered.

Let’s hear their stories…

This experience helped me to feel part of the organization, meet new colleagues, and remind me of the importance of health and serving the community. Leading up to the event, we had preparatory calls and challenged each other on completing tasks like push-ups, planks, and jumps. Together, we pushed ourselves to achieve our goals and contribute to a bigger need.

– Srinivasan Balraj, Sr Compliance Engineer

I started running only about five months ago, and now I have found a lifelong activity in running and thanks to this experience—I’m in love with it. Being part of an organization and team of ZEOS that support and encourage my interests is the primary reason why I participated in the marathon. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have pushed myself this far and discovered something new about myself.  From running tips to simple, attainable goals, and regular Zoom sessions—it felt fantastic to be part of a thriving community of ZEO runners. I was a non-runner but I ran a 10k! The marathon has boosted my confidence and given me the hope that one day I can also run a half-marathon and eventually an actual marathon. The confidence to be able to do something new and get better at it is very fulfilling.

Nidarshana Sharma, Communications & Engagement Strategist

Three weeks before the marathon, I had become ill. I was hospitalized and could not run. I was very skeptical and wanted to quit, but the team here was extremely supportive. They volunteered to run with me as pacers to ensure I completed the run without any difficulty. When I reached the venue and saw thousands of people, I was consistently looking for a ZEO in a Zuora shirt. That feeling of belonging is awesome. To be there—in the midst of thousands but with so many other ZEOs—made me feel very connected and that I belonged. The team spirit was great and I did finish the run much to my own surprise.

– Bhuvaneshwari Muthukumaran, Solutions Architect

I am glad to have made a difference with many ZEOs’. Not only by participating in the marathon, providing a plan, and influencing people to participate but also by leading an active lifestyle to keep diseases such as diabetes at bay. I am glad we have the support and sponsorship of Zuora and feel all the more that I belong here.

– Shanthi Sridhar, Director, Software Engineering

Running in this marathon was a big item on my list for the year. I wanted to prepare myself well and hit my first goal at the beginning of the year. Most of the preparation started with walking more than 10,000 steps per day and slowly increasing the frequency. The team really helped by organizing a lot of motivational talks and educational sessions. I would have never done this if Zuora didn’t organize it and prioritize health.

– Saloni Madhok, Senior Campaigns Operations Manager

It was my first time participating in a social activity in a while, so I felt so proud and enjoyed a lot during the run. It makes me want to bring the family next time. I partnered with my friend Saloni, who always motivates me to step forward and show participation in these types of activities. It was a fun and enjoyable experience! Very proud to be a ZEO!

– Anandhi Ayyanar, Campaign Operations Manager

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